
Legislative Royal Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, approving the revised text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts (TRLCSP) regulates approving procurement procedures entities that, as FundeSalud, without being Public Administration, in the public sector.

Accordance with the criteria set out in Article 3.3.b) of TRLCSP, FundeSalud is considering contracting authority, which is to determine the legal framework applicable to its recruitment procedures and the need to develop some internal contracting instructions in order to regulate the procedures for awarding contracts not subject to harmonized regulation, so that the effectiveness of the principles of publicity, competition, transparency, confidentiality, equality and non-discrimination is guaranteed, and that the contract is awarded to the most economically advantageous tender.

General Instructions Hiring FundeSalud configured with the TRLCSP, Royal Decree 1098/2001, of 12 October, approving the General Regulations of the Law of Contracts of Public Administrations, Royal Decree 817/2009 approved, of May 8, amending Law 30/2007 of 30 October on Public Sector Contracts and Royal Decree 300/2011 which modifies it, and the tender documents Individuals partially implementing the regulatory framework for all the contracting activity conducted by the Foundation.

In order to ensure transparency and public access to information on its contractual activity, without prejudice to the use of other means of advertising in cases that are required, FundeSalud public through this website your contractor profile.